Project No. | 44746
Project Name | Innovation, Development and Increased Productivity
Project Code | POCI-02-0853-FEDER-044746
Main Goal | Strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs
Intervention Region | Centro
Approval Date | 08-08-2019
Start Date| 2019-05-15
Expected Completion Date| 2021-11-14
Total Eligible Cost | 4.169.041,97€
Financial Support from the European Union| 1.210.367,03€

Goals, activities and expected results:
The project presented as part of the application essentially involves the construction of a new production facility in the park in Moita Negra, the integration of the rock extraction process from the Fátima quarry, which until now has been carried out using another company, and the inclusion of several measures within the scope of the energy transition, circular economy and industry 4.0. With the implementation of this project, the following objectives are expected to be achieved: Focus on new products, through the use of waste/leftovers from the production and sale of processed stone; Growth in installed capacity, turnover, net profit and exports; Increase in the number of customers, diversifying into other markets that have not yet been explored; – Focus on an integrated system of the various industrial processes through the industrial system 4.0, associated with the digitalization of the entire operating mode of the company’s integrated management.